Make album thumbs not visible in an album loading imagethumbs

kamah Member
Firstly, thank you for this great tool.
I'm building a custom template based on default one, and everything runs fine, but there is just one question i don't find answer by myself or online.
As heavy images are uploaded, i need to use "ImageThumb" or "CustomSizedImageMaxSpace" to be loaded in my albums (actualy subalbums). Until this point everything is ok. But i also need to have "AlbumThumbs" that are not visible in those albums.
I notices the checkbox in the CMS to make images not visible, but it don't work with Thumbs.

Please let me know if you have any idea how to do that..



  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I think I don't fully understand what you want to do. If you don't want to use album thumbs (those representing an album) just don't use the function for them in your theme. Is it that?
  • kamah Member
    One more thing to ad, that makes me crazy: checking the box in the backoffice works perfectly on Safari, not on FF (ie not tested)..

    realy strange, no ?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Please be more specific. What box where?
  • kamah Member
    Thx for your quick answer..
    ok, it' probably not totaly clear. i'll try to explain: in my albums, i need album thumbs representing sub albums, but in those subalbums, i don't want the images used as thumbs in the parent album to be visible (in which i only call "ImageThumb").

    is it more understandable ?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I still don't fully understand. especially i don't want the images used as thumbs in the parent album to be visible .
    If you are in an album you don't see anything of the parent album. Maybe an example would be useful.

    If you don't want to show the thumbs that represent the subalbums this is something you can't do with options but on the theme directly only (how sees a visitor the subalbums then?). Please read the theming tutorial for the basics.

    Some general term definition so we don't miss: "Image thumb" is a thumb representing an image in an album. An "album thumb" is a thumb representing an album.
  • kamah Member
    here is the url of an album.
    Try to click on "blondes" or "brunes" for exemple.
    > on FF you wil still see the cover used in "coloriste" (hairs).
    > on safari everything is ok, you don't see the cover in the sub album.
    > not tested on ie + the code is still rough..

    (i used "albumthumb" as thumbs in the parent album and "imagethumb" as images in the subalbum)
    (the box checked is in "album/images" interface -on the left- in "general")
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I am sorry, I think I don't really see any difference in Safari 4.1 and Firefox 3.5...
  • kamah Member
    mmm... ouch!
    One last question: are you a pc or mac user ?

    I'll try to fix it/trick it by myself then.
    Anyway thanks for your answers and your wonderfull work...
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I am a Mac user but that should really not make a difference. Being not familiar with those images I probably just don't see the "detail" you see..
  • kamah Member
    I know that neither the os nor the browser should make a difference... but it does!
    If you got time please check again the url, click on "marrons" section for exemple (this one only content the image supposed to be the "albumthumb"), you shoud see something in FF and nothing in safari...

    (i'm using Safari 5.0 and FF 3.6.6 )
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Hm, I am sorry, I don't see anything in Safari 4.1 (my Mac is a little older currently so I can't test 5) and Firefox 3.6.6 (and yes, at least Firefox seems to behave differently on Mac and Win at times sadly - damm browser wars). I even tried Opera 10.6 with the same result.

    Anyway, since you use some JavaScript for that image swapping this is not really a Zenphoto issue but one of that script I suppose.
  • kamah Member
    oups... The problem just came from the fact that images specified invisible via the checkbox are still shown when the admin is logged in... and I was logged in with FF.

    I'm sorry to have wasted your time (and mine too) with an issue that was not...

    Thank you for all.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    That happens...;-)
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