i have video thumbnail watermarks enabled for my gallery. in my gallery i have a "panoramic" album with .mov files that i do not want to have watermarked thumbnails. so...in the panoramic album settings i set the "album watermark" property to "*no watermark" however the thumbnails are still watermarked. i've also tried disabling the gallery video watermark setting and tried to specify an "album watermark" and no watermark was displayed. is the album watermark option working for anyone else out there? i was hoping any watermark setting specified at the album level would over-ride any settings at the gallery level. i have tried different themes all with the same issues. thanks. -- Zenphoto version 1.3 [5479]
http://demo.opensourcecms.com/zenphoto/admin - user: admin pass: demo123
-- any suggestions on how to add code that will block a particular album from adding the video-watermark to video thumbs? something like this on the theme album.php ? ...
<?php if (getAlbumTitle() == 'panoramic') {
//insert code to write video thumb without watermark
} else {
} ?>
in functions-basic.php ... in function getImageProcessorURI
... change this line ...
if (!empty($passedWM)) $uri .= '&wmk='.$passedWM;
... to this (replacing panoramic with your album name to block)...
if (!empty($passedWM) && ($album != 'panoramic')) $uri .= '&wmk='.$passedWM;
... then clear the album cache
if (!empty($passedWM) && ($album != 'parent_folder/subfolder/panoramic')) $uri .= '&wmk='.$passedWM;
*** clear the album cache in the zenphoto album admin after making the changes or the cached thumbs will load ***
thanks in advance.