I'm looking for a way to increase the slimbox's picture size in the Effervescence+ theme. The default size is 250x250 pix. In the backend in theme-settings, I set the picture-size to 600 pix for the longest side. Also I edited the slimbox.js file in zenphoto-1.3\themes\effervescence_plus\scripts and set the vars initialWidth and initialHeight to 600.
Now, when I open a picture, the slimbox-frame initially apprears with a size of probably 600 pix and then it fits down to a smaller size of probably 250 pix to show me the picture. The result is the same like I've never done any changes.
Can anybody help me, any answer is appreciated.
* Zenphoto-Version 1.3 [5479] (Official Version)
* active Gallery-Theme: Effervescence+
* PHP-Version: 5.2.13
* Grafic support: PHP GD library bundled (2.0.34 compatible)
* PHP-Memory restictions: 96M
* MySQL-Version: 5.0.81
Days of searching are gone, but now I've found the line to set the imagesize. It's hardcoded in the file album.php at line 271 (not 217, I guess the to digits are twisted). ->
echo "<a href=\"".htmlspecialchars(getCustomImageURL(550, null))."\"";
I increased the 550 to 800 and all is fine.