New album not showing on gallery page

My client added a new album and it's all showing up fine in the admin section but it's not showing up on the actual gallery page. Any ideas about why this is happening and what I need to do to fix it?

There should be two albums here - Family Photographs and Facebook Photos, and only the first one is showing up.


  • Undoubtably the album is not marked as "published".
  • vaflex Member
    No, it's definitely marked as published. It's also not showing up any thumbnails on the page when I 'pre-cache' the images - the other album comes up with thumbnails as it pre-caches them.
  • Well, then there must be an error in your custom theme. Please try a distributed theme and see if it functions correctly.
  • vaflex Member
    Thanks for pointing me in the right direction, it worked fine with the default theme so I copied the code from the default theme again and it's working now.
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