Publish the album but no images can be viewed

After I create a album folder, I upload images via FTP. I have published the album so it can be seen in the gallery page, but the thumbnail of the album is a red question mark icon, not any image of the album. When I click into the album, it is empty inside. I am sure all images exist in the folder because images can be viewed if I give a full path.

Anyone know how to resolve the problem?


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Make sure your server matches the requirements, the permissions are set correctly and that your image images are not bigger px dimensionwise than your server can handle. Please see the troubleshooting on that.
  • ccjohn Member
    I check all folders and images are grant permission (755 and 644).

    I also have created another album temp and use upload function to upload 3 images. Then I publish the album but it cannot be shown too.

    Please try to go to and you can see two published albums but you see none images when you click into them.

    Please also try which is an unpublished album but you can see all images inside it.

    Seems that the problem is not related to FTP or upload function. I am wondering if I had changed some options to cause this situation but I forgot and have no idea.

    Please revise. Thanks in advance.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Well, those two albums seem not to have images, otherwiser they should be shown. That it generally works is confirmed by the flags album. What image format did you upload? Are images set to visible, too?
  • In ablum games, there are 65 images inside. The format of the files is jpg (jpeg). You can view the images directly with full path like: But you cannot still view any images in the ablum games. So it is so confusing.
  • You will have to insure that these images are marked as publsihed if you want the general public to view them.

    There is a general discussion of the relationship between published/not published and password protected/not password proteced in the troubleshooting guied.

    But the gist is: if you know the link of a published item you can view it. If you do not know the link you will not be shown it.
  • I understand more. I have checked again the images in the published album. They are not set visible. I change one image to be visible and now that image can be shown in the published album.

    But how to bulk change images visible? Turning the album from Unpublish to Publish does not change the images visible. Do I need to change image visible one by one?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    There is a utility for this on the admin overview page.
  • Yes, I have to tick every images and make the changes. All images are now visible. The problem is resolved. I suggest to add a feature for user to select particular album(s) and change all images to Visible once.

    Thanks acrylian and sbillard.
  • You should make this feature request through the ticket system. Otherwise it will likely get forgot.
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