Hello everyone
First of all thanks in advance for your help, I just installed Zenphoto today so I am not quite used to it yet.
I am trying to allow users to download a full album into a zip.
First I checked the Downloadlist plugin.
Then I went to the folder with my theme (a copy of the default theme) and in album.php I wrote :
<?php if (function_exists(‘printDownloadLinkAlbumZip’)) { printDownloadLinkAlbumZip(); } ?>
Then I uploaded the album.php file on my server (using FTP).
But when I go to the website and open the album there is no link to download it. I tried writing the php line at several places in album.php but none of them seems to work.
I hope some of you can help me
Indeed there is an error in the logs, i am sorry I didn't even know there were logs before you mentionned them.
{47328:Fri, 29 Nov 2013 11:50:03 GMT}
REMARQUE : Use of undefined constant ‘printDownloadLinkAlbumZip’ - assumed '‘printDownloadLinkAlbumZip’' dans E:\Website\li211.fr\www\galerie\themes\defaultperso\album.php à la ligne 35
include called from include (index.php [122])
from index.php [22]
I don't know what it means because I am no expert in php either but I am gonna look into that.
Do I have to somehow include downloadList.php in album.php ?
Thank you for your time
I didn't question the way it was written but I guess I should have, when replacing the ' with " everything works just fine.
Thanks a lot to both of you for your help
Probably got reformatted somewhere in the creation of the document you referenced. Sorry about that.