Cannot create new account or change password

I recently tried to change the password on one of the user accounts. The system gave me an error. So, I deleted the user and attempted to recreate them. I get the following error:
Zenphoto encountered an error
MySQL Query ( SELECT `zp_86138_zenpage_pages`.`title`,`zp_86138_zenpage_pages`.`titlelink` FROM `zp_86138_zenpage_pages`, `zp_86138_admin_to_object` WHERE `zp_86138_admin_to_object`.adminid=2 AND `zp_86138_zenpage_pages`.id=`zp_86138_admin_to_object`.objectid AND `zp_86138_admin_to_object`.type='pages' ) failed. MySQL returned the error Unknown column 'zp_86138_zenpage_pages.title' in 'field list'

I tried creating a new account with completely different usernames, passwords, and email addresses. Same result. I am running ZenPhoto on Dreamhost.

# Zenphoto version 1.3 [5479] (Official Build)
# Current gallery theme: Default
# PHP version: 5.2.9
# Graphics support: PHP GD library bundled (2.0.34 compatible)
# PHP memory limit: 96M (Note: Your server might allocate less!)
# MySQL version: 5.1.39

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Please run setup again and see if that helps. The column surely should not be missing. Did you delete anything manually in the database?
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