Albums/Thumbnails keep stacking to the left/new line.

Hello all, first post to the forum.

I just started using ZenPhoto for a gallery I'm creating for a friend. I have also started creating my own theme to fit the concept of the website.

My issue is that the albums and thumbnails are all aligning to the left hand side and forming a new line each time, disregarding admin options for what I want displayed per row.

I'm assuming my style sheet is overriding it and I'm pulling my hair out trying to get this sorted out.

I'm using v1.4.4.5 and you can view the gallery at:

I have a container called 'content' and within it... 'content-left' that floats left and 'content-right' that floats search, etc... to the right.

I can give more info if necessary.



  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Sorry, we cannot help with that. You have to check the HTML and CSS to achieve what you wish to do. Virtually all standard themes do exactly that. Best you compare your setup with that of those.
  • fretzl Administrator, Developer
    I think it's best to take a look at the Default theme's index.php and see how it's done there.
    Of course you then would also need some new CSS rule's to make the proper adjustments.
  • Snee Member
    Yeah maybe some comparisons are in order. Thanks though.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    It's for sure CSS. Either the floating is not set correctly or the items are too wide to fit side by side.
  • Snee Member
    It appears that the items are too wide to fit side by side because when I use my mouse to highlight over them it darkens the whole width of the wrapper... but I still can't figure it out. Nothing changes when I set a hard width for the album/images themselves.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Well, css can be more complicated than it looks. Sorry, all we can tell is to look at themes where it is working.
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