Lost pagination on dynamic albums

Hi everyone,

My pagination doesn't seem to be working for dynamic albums and I'm not sure why. It just doesn't appear. Works fine with regular albums so it's got me puzzled.

Any ideas as to what might be the problem or solution?

Running the and modified default theme although I've checked and it doesn't seem to be working on other themes either.


  • kocho Member
    Just trying to think of more info to add to this...

    I was running an older version (can't remember which one) and pagination wasn't working for dynamic albums aswell as some of the newly uploaded albums not showing within that album.

    So what I thought I'd do is refresh the database - that didn't work.

    Then I thought I'd upgrade, which I did. That fixed the sorting problem that I had but pagination still didn't work.

    Not sure if it's something obvious like a plugin? I didn't think so, because I mean, it's working for "real" albums but not dynamic ones.

    Hopefully that may help but I doubt it.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    No, actually dynamic albums generally work on the front exactly like real ones. No plugin required.

    The first time I heard about such an issue I think. Have you checked your error logs?
  • kocho Member
    Yep - not getting anything of substance.

    Edit: Got Firebug out and on the dynamic albums it has this: http://d.pr/i/SQM7
  • What your screen shot shows is a page which has no images--the images DIV is empty. No images would mean no page navigation, of course.

    So probably something is wrong with your dynamic album search criteria or you are viewing not-logged in and the images are unpublished.
  • kocho Member
    I'm getting however many albums within the dynamic album I specify to show up on the page. So if I specify 9 or 15, it'll still show up that amount just without pagination.

    I've re-run the dynamic album search criteria a few times. It's a simple criteria - Tags with 'VPS' go into the album VPS.alb and I've even set it so unpublished albums should appear:


    However, now, for whatever reason, I'm not getting any pagination whatsoever on any album dynamic or real. :(
  • Looks to be a bug. I can create it by having a dynamic album of just albums.
  • kocho Member
    Do I open up an issue on github?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Not necessary because my colleague has already fixed it. Try the build from GitHub.
  • kocho Member
    Great, thanks. It's working again along with a reinstall of the current release.
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