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First entry to any forum anywhere so please be patient.
I have installed zenphoto onto my website successfully but have one issue. On clicking on an album from the main (index) page it opens in that same page. Likewise with a large image from a specific album page.

Is there anyway to get albums to open in new pages. I don't mind if the large image opens on the same page as the album.

I have looked through the forums but cannot find anything about this.


  • Well, of course you can use the right click context menu and select open in new page/tab. But I suppose you want that to be what happens regardless of what the visitor of your site prefers. (Not something that I personally appreciate in a site, by the way.)

    For that you will have to modify the theme so that it adds that directive in the link HTML.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    What you are asking for is pure HTML related. You are looking for the "target" atribute:

    But I have to agree with sbillard. It is best left to the visitor if it opens in a new page or not. The only use to do this is if you link to an external site but even then I would prefer not to do it for various reasons (browser history back link is one of them).
  • Thanks for the reply but I am a bit confused. I am a basic html website deigner and understand the html target issue. However if you click on an album in zenphoto surely the resultant action is based on the index php and not html?

    Generally I prefer galleries and similar to 'break-out' of a website as most users are not competent enough to know about right click menu options (This is a problem a number of websites suffer because they are built y computer 'savvy' people who forget the competence levels of the user). If an image or gallery opens on a new page the user can close that page and be back to the original start point of that gallery without worrying about 'back'. The simplicity for the user is exactly the reason it is used in most ecommerce sites.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I recommend to read the theming tutorial to understand the basics of Zenphoto themes before trying anything further.

    I really don't understand why you want to break out from a gallery since it is probably part of that site you are breaking out. For not "getting lost" there are things like a proper navigation (talk about usability) and this has nothing to do with sites being build by "computer savy" people IMHO.

    It all might depend in which context you use the gallery so each his own. This forum is not exactly the right place to discuss this I guess.
  • Well,I think you either underestimate users or have a warped sense of what is useable. Most people will want either to transfer to the link they click on (not leaving the one where they were standing orphaned) or will want to have the choice of it it starts in a new tab or a new window.
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