I tried a fiew others, and always come back to the ZenPage Theme.
I like it but I have a problem with the positions of the arrows to go from one picture to another. These arrows are positioned in the Title section. Would it be easy to move these arrows just below the picture, at the right of the description ? Or using the keyboard arrows to go from one to another ?
If feasible, it it something that someone without PHP knowledge can do ?
How can change these in the css file of the zenpage theme.
Look for `.imgnav` class
Yes I like it. Simple, quite complete, efficient (except for the arrows positioning...;-))
I have looked at .imgnav class and, well...I think I will finally have to learn CSS...
To get me started, could you do 2 things for me:
-give me a good url address to learn CSS
-give me one or two more hints on how to do what I want to do here ?
If you want to place the arrows near the description, you might consider modifying the html as well and moving them als directly.
If you want to change the navigation arrow just cut this code :
<?php if (hasPrevImage()) { ?>
<?php } if (hasNextImage()) { ?>
<?php } ?>
To the `
Hope this help
I will try that.
Tell me, it it possible, when we click the arrows, to keep the top of the picture at the same relative position from the top of the window(instead of going to the top of the page on every click) ?
2. No, that is not possible as the page reloads (Safari/Webkit browser do this in some case). You might maybe want to experiment with page internal anchors (#something). Actually this is the reason (for smaller screens also) why the arrows are on top of the page..;-)
Do you think that it is possible to use the keyboard arrow keys as a way to go from one picture to another ?
in your image.php file ... and play with keyboard arrow ;-)
PS: This code is not from me, but i dont' remember where i found it !
It works ! No more needs to install new arrows below the image.
I just have to install anchors right above the image and "branch" there on an arrow click.
Anyone can create a plugin. this one would be fairly simple to do. Just place all that code into a string and pass it to the `addPluginScript($script)` function. For instance he jcarosel_thumb_nav plugin (as an example) does this. That would be all there was to the plugin, pretty simple.
Should you (or any one else) choose to make such a plugin, let us know. We will add it to our list of third party plugins.
In this specific case, do you see any bad side effects ?
But i need some help ... there a strange thing.
When i put the code into the image.php file the keyboard navigation works fine, only the picture load.
When i put the code to the plugin, the full web page are reloded. It's not very pleasant and it's quite long.
I notice that the code are place outside the <head> section and even the <html> tag.
I use the addPluginScript to place the code.
Is there a way to place the code in the head or body section ?
I am not sure why there is a difference in the behavior, though. The code above (as I read it) should always load a new page, not a simply a new picture. That is what you get from the getNextImageURL() and getPrevImageURL() functions.
If you want to just load the image you would have to have Javascript that modified the <img src....> Html
I agree if you don't want to load the page you have to write some js code for that. It is possible but can't hardly be generalize as it is HTML dependend (since you probably don't want only the image to change but the title, desc, arrows etc as well).
Here is the new code :
I'll try to do it with a function.
What is the main difference with the previous code ?
With the second code, you can use the keyboard arrow in a comment area.
It's just sad, you could have done a new game: try to catch the end of your comments before the picture changes... ;-)
So you can see it in action on my site : `http://www.latitudes-photos.com`
You can download and have information at this page :
But, my english is very poor so can someone can make a better translation please :-)
Thanks Laurent
ps: your english looks ok to me... ;-)
Will add an entry to our extensions section soon.
I have update the description and a on witch version i have test it.