An album appearing as subalbum of more than one album (how to)

Hi everyone,
Is there a way to make an album appear as a subalbum in more than one album ?
(... without duplicating it ?)
Same question for an image :
Is there a way to make an image appear in more than one album ?
(... still without duplicating it ?)
That would be great ...
Thank's for your answers ... (I hope this question is not too stupid ...)


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    No, that is not the concept of Zenphoto. You could use dynamic albums. Please see the user guide on that.
  • Thank's Acrylian,
    Dynamic albums are indeed a great feature, cool ... (but not quite the same ...)
    "that is not the concept of Zenphoto"
    Well, that would be nothing but a kind of shortcut (like in windows ...)
    Easy to implement no ? ... and convenient, I guess ...
    Zp does already more that I hoped to find 2 months ago when I was looking for a galery CMS ... I am more grateful than sorry ...
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Well, Zenphoto is file system based, it recognizes what it finds in your root albums folder and turns that to albums/images. Therefore having "duplicates" without having "duplicates" is problematic.
  • Shortcuts (actualy in Unix sym-links) are filesystem items. If you do create such an entity pointing to the actual folder, Zenphoto will dutifully treate it as an album, giving you what you are asking.
  • I understand.
    An idea (just for the fun of it):
    If zp is file based, shortcut files could be used. ZP could be able to add the shortcut of a folder A in another folder B (with a little drop down menu like for "move" function). When displaying B, zp would find A's shortcut in B's bolder and display A's thumbnail in B's album.
    In the administration, shortcut subalbum would appear differently : not much editable, but with a link to the original subalbum. There, a list of all its shortcuts would be displayed.
    Editing the description only once, ordering the images only once and having the files only once on the FTP would, ect ... be the advantage.
    Bye the way, I am a zero in php ... (talking guys often don't DO much ...) ;o)
    Thank's anyway !
  • Thanks Sbillard,

    "... dutifully treate it as an album"
    Really !? ... cool and unexpected !

    "If you do create such an entity pointing to the actual folder"
    You mean, if i create it on my pc, indicating the relative url of the target album ?
    And then I upload ...

    Thanks mister Chief Dev !
  • You mean, if i create it on my pc, indicating the relative url of the target album ?
    And then I upload ...
    Not sure what you are saying here. Simlinks must be on the server where zenphoto resides and must point to folders accessable to that server or they do not work as symlinks (nothing to do with zenphoto)
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