I have a problem i need to index back to my home page from zenphoto.
I have installed everything but because zenphoto does not have an option to set a
menu up i cannot link back to my website index.html page.
Below is the zenphoto album php that i need to edit in the print home area as i understand.
Can someone give me an example of what i have to change please
My home page is
http://www.jlvillas.co.uk/index.html and i am using a copy of the default theme.
<h2><span><?php printHomeLink('', ' | '); ?>
" title="<?php echo gettext('Albums Index'); ?>"><?php echo getGalleryTitle();?> | <?php printParentBreadcrumb(); ?></span> <?php printAlbumTitle(true);?></h2>
Thanks in advance
Such as an I frame I am lost here as to what you mean by straight up html
Will get on and study
Best regards