Any working solution to include analytics into Zen photo?


I am trying to include Analytics into Zen photo. So far I tried:

and none of them appear to be working.

The first solution causes the function to become faulty and the second solution does not work properly and lots of error messages appear on top of all pages complaining that the
analyticsTracking.php file is missing.

I created the file inside zp-core folder and add the following line on top of the template-functions.php

<?php include ("analyticsTracking.php"); ?>

Can you please let me know what is wrong?


  • You need to place several lines of code into your header.php, inside whichever theme you are using.

    You can copy these lines of code together with the individual tracking code that Google provides once you have registered.

  • According to the second site you refernce, the script must be loaded just before the `` tag. The poster in the fist post put the equivalent script in the Zenphoto footer which will be just before the `` tag. Putting it at the front of template-functions.php will NOT do that.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Also most Zenphoto themes do not have a header.php at all...
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