Please help me!

Hi i wish to create a portfolio site for my photography. I wish to use Zenphoto but have no idea where to even start other than downloading the file.

I built sites with dreamweaver a long time ago but have completely forgotten everything so i need some friendly help just to get going.



  • Hi i need some help, i want to create a portfolio site and have no idea where to even start?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Zenphoto comes with 4 included themes you can use more or less out of the box. There are also third party themes available. If you want to do your own design I suggest to read our theming tutorial.
  • Thank you, i see there are themes but i really have no idea where to even begin! Could you recommend a web host?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Well, you need to download Zenphoto and install it on your webspace as explained on our site. If you don't understand about that you probably should get some help by someone who does.

    Sorry, I can't recommend any host for the UK as I don't even know one.
  • I don't have a webspace as yet so do i need one before i can construct everything?

    Is there someone that can help me with this in this forum?

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Zenphoto requires a server to run. You can use local servers like WAMP, MAMP (do a web search). You can however do the pure html/css parts without a server but you will need to built in the Zenphoto functions (the theming) later anyway.

    What I read from your posts I assume you might either want to learn a little more about web techniques in general or maybe even hire someone.
  • What i ideally want is a simple way to design my portfolio website myself and publish it online. I was just going to use adobe lightroom to do so but after seeing the website bellow made with zenphoto i though i would try this.

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Well, you can do that with Zenphoto but you will need some knowledge. Please read the tutorial and if you don't understand what is written there you will probably need to hire someone.
  • I wish there was a step by step 'for idiots' guide to using zenphoto. I will persevere and try to figure this out as best i can.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Well, the theming tutorial is very easy, but you will understand that we can't teach web techniques like PHP. HTML, CSS and such in general as well. There are other places for that.

    The "for idiots" would be to use a predefined theme and use what is provided. As with all software you will have to learn a little to use it.
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