Is there a option that will do alphabetical(a b c d e f g h) pagination/navigation?
I have a very large amount of albums and would prefer something that gave users a more direct navigation cue in addition to 1..2...3...4...5 pagination.
I am not sure what you mean. You want just to show abc instead of the numbers or you want to order alphabetical. The latter can be set on Options > Gallery > Sort gallery by
Or do you mean on all albums starting with each character on one page? You would have to code that yourself. It can surely be done using the object model.
If you mean only the < 1 2 3 > pagination function printPageListWith() (see doc) you will have to make your own custom one, probably best as a plugin. If this I don't really understand why that is better.
/* Or do you mean on all albums starting with each character on one page? You would have to code that yourself. It can surely be done using the object model. */ Yes, i want this one.
Or do you mean on all albums starting with each character on one page? You would have to code that yourself. It can surely be done using the object model.
If you mean only the < 1 2 3 > pagination function printPageListWith() (see doc) you will have to make your own custom one, probably best as a plugin. If this I don't really understand why that is better.
Or do you mean on all albums starting with each character on one page? You would have to code that yourself. It can surely be done using the object model.
Yes, i want this one.
i will try this using "object model".
Thanks for your reply.