Support of videos for ZenPhoto



  • altaphista, the link is not working :(

    Could you post it somewhere else ?

    Thank you !
  • Hello all :)

    I've been AFK during holidays, but i'm going to release the new version of ZenVideo based on Zenphoto 1.0.6 in the next days...

    Stay tuned.
  • a new link is (hope this works)
    la0c00n feel free to use that ;)
  • Works like a charm ! Thank you very much altaphista.
    Maybe you should include the default video thumbnail in the archive too ?
  • Another nice feature I made to print a tekst (f.e. 'VIDEO') on the thumb, if it exists:

    1. Open classes.php
    2. Find `function getThumb()`
    3. Add `&video=1` here (appr line 404):
    `//The file is a viedo and has a thumb

    if($this->video == true && $this->videoThumb != NULL){

    return WEBPATH . "/zen/i.php?a=".urlencode($this->album->name)."&i=".urlencode($this->videoThumb)."&s=thumb&video=1";

    4. Open `i.php` (in /zen/)
    5. Find ` // Create the cached file (with lots of compatibility)...` (app line 250)
    6. Add following code BEFORE the line `touch($newfile);`:

    if (isset($_GET['video']) && $_GET['video'] == '1') {

    $quality = 100;

    $sx = imagesx($newim) ;

    $sy = imagesy($newim) ;

    $Text="VIDEO" ; /* Your text info */

    $Font="gs.ttf" ; /* this has to be uploaded in /zen/ folder */

    $yourHEXcolor= '00FF99';

    $h_int = hexdec($yourHEXcolor);

    $FontColor = imagecolorallocate($newim, 0xFF & ($h_int >> 0x10), 0xFF & ($h_int >> 0x8), 0xFF & $h_int);

    $black = ImageColorAllocate ($newim,0,0,0) ;

    $white = ImageColorAllocate ($newim,255,255,255) ;

    $Rotation = 0 ;

    /* Iterate to get the size up */

    $FontSize=1 ;



    $FontSize *= 1.1 ;

    $Box = @ImageTTFBBox($FontSize,0,$Font,$Text);

    $TextWidth = abs($Box[4] - $Box[0]) ;

    $TextHeight = abs($Box[5] - $Box[1]) ;


    while ($TextWidth < $sx*0.7) ;

    /* Awkward maths to get the origin of the text in the right place */

    $x = $sx/2 - cos(deg2rad($Rotation))*$TextWidth/2 ;

    $y = $sy/2 + sin(deg2rad($Rotation))*$TextWidth/2 + cos(deg2rad($Rotation))*$TextHeight/2 ;

    ImageTTFText ($newim,$FontSize,$Rotation,$x+2,$y+2,$white,$Font,$Text);

    ImageTTFText ($newim,$FontSize,$Rotation,$x+1,$y+1,$black,$Font,$Text);

    ImageTTFText ($newim,$FontSize,$Rotation,$x,$y,$FontColor,$Font,$Text);



  • La0c00n, Hope you could make it more sooner. TY in advance. :D
  • Ok, here is the new release of ZenVideo, based on 1.0.6 version of ZenPhoto.

    Like for 0.2 version, there is a source package and an installation package.
    Nothing changes for installation, you just have to replace your old files by new files from ZenVideo packages.

    I hope it will be useful for you !

    Have fun and report bugs :)

    I'm sorry for releasing this version lately but i've had lot and lot of work...
  • Again, Thanks Very Much La0c00n.
  • @altaphista: I can't get this to work. What font should I upload on my server. Can't fins any gs.ttf and with another truetype font it won't work.

    Thanks, Lordcoffee.
  • runs good, but has still problems with IE on windows (streaming .flv videos are very small).
  • @lordcoffee:
    I used a standard windows fond GilSans (renamed it to gs.ttf) and uploaded it. It has to be in the /zen/ directory.
  • La0c00n,
    when can you release the vid integration on 1.0.8? :(
  • trisweb Administrator
    We should really get this integrated into the base if everyone likes it...
  • i think it is one of the best plugin out for zenphoto tris. so it should be integrated. :(
  • trisweb Administrator
    Was that supposed to be a smile? ;-)
  • I actually might implement this into my zenphoto. Like i have stated this gallery is for a summer trip, and some people might take videos for it. Thanks for coding this.
  • Just a little question, please.
    I need to display .jpg and .pdf files. This proble looks like .jpg and movies files, no ?
    So, is it possible to transform zenvideo in a zenpdf viewer ? How hard it is ?
  • Yes.. that supposed to be a smile tris. hehehe. :D
  • When can this be integrated to 1082? :((
  • trisweb Administrator
    @dldler -- It's not that simple; videos and PDFs are quite different. You could be right though, it could just be a matter of printing the right EMBED for the Adobe plugin...
  • This is great. Getting video on my photo album is huge... thank you thank you thank you.

    OK.. now that I have the thank yous out of the way. Can I bring up the IE video size item again. I know Firefox is the way to go but... I'm loser. Is there a timeline on when you think you can look at the IE video item?

    again... THANKS... You rock
  • Thank you daxeno for:
    i think it is one of the best plugin out for zenphoto

    It's a great pleasure to see comments like this :)

    I would be glad helping you to integrate this hack in zenphoto...
    I'm gonna look on zenphoto trac for involving myself in "official development" ;)
  • trisweb Administrator
    La0c00n -- Please do. If you like, submit your ZenVideo as a patch on the tracker and I'll consider integrating it.
  • First of all, i will make it working with and then submit it on trac...

    I will upload the release on my website asap.
  • Yehey! :D nice to read this replies! :D
  • ZenVideo compatible for ZenPhoto is online !
    Always at the same url:

    I'll post it tomorrow on trac...

    Have fun with it, and don't forget to report bugs.
    I have fixed the "ie bug", now the size of the video player is the same on every web browser (except lynx).
  • trisweb Administrator
    Lynx -- Ha Ha. :-P

    Thanks, I'll take a look at it and see if integrating can be done easily.
  • Thank You Very Again La0c00n and Tris!
  • I've added a ticket on trac:
    With the patch attached to it.

    I think i'm gonna look after the "Password-protected Albums" feature.
  • Hi,

    I'm using Version 0.3.1 and the latest version of ZP and it all works fine except the video is playing upside down. Any ideas? do I need to tweek some code?


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