Taking a chainsaw to zpgallerific

I love this theme but it's been a lot more difficult than I expected to increase the size of the main image being viewed from 500px to 700px. Doing so has caused a number of other issues which I have eventually figured out but one still remains.

I have sub galleries which now due to other things I've had to change have a wider cell size for the thumbnailed images than the images themselves. The images are 267x100 and I can't find any place to change this. There are settings in gallery.php and search.php for 267x100 which I changed. This changed the size of the thumbs on the main page but not in subfolders.

Can anyone tell me how to change this?

Here is the site:

http://markwiles.com (contains some nsfw material)

And here is an example of a gallery where the issue occurs:

http://markwiles.com/Travel/ (sfw)


  • I love this theme but it's been a lot more difficult than I expected to increase the size of the main image being viewed from 500px to 700px. Doing so has caused a number of other issues which I have eventually figured out but one still remains.

    I have sub galleries which now due to other things I've had to change have a wider cell size for the thumbnailed images than the images themselves. The images are 267x100 and I can't find any place to change this. There are settings in gallery.php and search.php for 267x100 which I changed. This changed the size of the thumbs on the main page but not in subfolders.

    Can anyone tell me how to change this?

    Here is the site:

    http://markwiles.com (contains some nsfw material)

    And here is an example of a gallery where the issue occurs:

    http://markwiles.com/Travel/ (sfw)
  • Crap, sorry for the double post!
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I am not familiar with this theme but generally you have to look on album.php as well (goog time to read the theming tutorial by now...;-)).
  • I also had to look hard to find easy way to increase final image size. And it's not in album.php like you'd expect. Once I found it, it's very easy. Look in the header.php file.

    <?php if (!defined('WEBPATH')) die();
    e.g. in my case I was ok with 500 pixel size for images on album pages, but wanted a larger image on the image pages so I changed the 500 to 640, e.g.

    As to changing album thumbsize, I think you'll have to edit the album.php file. E.g. change the following line to your preferred dimensions.

    <?php echo getBareAlbumTitle();?>">
    <?php printCustomAlbumThumbImage
    (getBareAlbumTitle(),NULL,267,192,267,194); ?>
    If you change the width from original 267 which I didn't, you'll also have to go to the screen.css file and change the block size (add 6 pixels to your image's size):

    div#album-wrap ul li{width:273px;display:block;float:left;
    margin:10px 20px 10px 0;
    Hope this steers you in right direction.
  • Thanks, perhaps I entered the code at the wrong space in album.php but lots of php errors. I'm a sysadmin so I'm not computer illiterate but I know basically nothing about coding.

    I was able to change the settings in header.php before making my first post but it's all the changes that occurred as a result of that which I am having problems with.

    I had to widen the entire page

    This caused the album thumbs to be shifted to the right instead of centered. Though centering them would have been a simpler fix, I prefer them larger.

    So, I increased the size of the album thumbs but it appears to have only been effective on the main page.
  • Also, somewhere I lost random thumbs for subgalleries and now have fixed ones. What did I mess up?
  • Please remember to use Zenphoto terminology. We do not have "subgalleries", just your gallery and its albums. Anyway, check the album option for thumbnails and be sure it is set to "random"
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