I hope you'll understand my english (I'm french, and I didn't find any forum about zenphoto...)
I'm using zenphoto 1.2.9, which seems being a stable version. My theme is zpgallerific and my website is just fine when I open it from my macbook
the problem is that when I try to open it from another computer (Internet explorer or google chrome), all the pages created with zenpage do not appear !!! only the gallery and the contact page (visit www.lepianiste.net/site_fr/ )
Is there any solution, or do I have to change my zenphoto version, or my theme ? I did not find a clue in the forum, so best greatings to those who will help me ;-)
But regarding your problem: You probably just did not publish the pages. Unpublished pages (as are images and albums) are visible to the logged in admin but not to anyone else (except he knows the direct link).
On zenbien.com was at least once a French forum devoted to Zenphoto. Not sure if that is still active. But we are of course the official place...;-)
Now I'm gonna see how to publish those pages.
I am still a newbie with regard to ZenPhoto, but I looked at your website. I think it works as it should, but that you need to modify one or two items to display it properly. For instance, photos appear OK when I look at them in the album page, but all movies don't show until you click on "Lire le document". Then it works. So overall it gives the impression that something doesn't work when, in fact, it does.
I suspect you might be able to correct the issue by changing some of the configuration options under "Options –> Extensions". My first guess would be to click on "Startup Image" in the Flowplayer3_Playlist section.
D'après moi, le seul problème est que dans les albums où il y a des films, rien n'apparaît à droite et que ce n'est que lorsqu'on presse sur « Lire le document » qu'on peut voir le film ou entendre la trame sonore.
J'ai l'impression qu'on pourrait modifier ce comportement en modifiant quelques paramètres, notamment à l'onglet « Options –> Extensions ». Ma première hypothèse de travail serait de cocher « Image de démarrage » dans la section FlowPlayer3_playlist.
You were right acrylian, i just forgot to publish the pages (by checking "published"). All is fine now, thank you for your help.
Michel, you're right, I cannot make the videos and mp3's playing by clicking on the icons. It works for the photos... So I have to click "lire le document" to make it open.
I tryed to check/uncheck the startup image in flowplayer3 playlist extension, but it doesn't work :-(
I noticed this problem a few days ago : I had a file named "video_placeholder.gif", it was a grey camera icon, which was appearing when I clicked on a video or mp3 : as I didn't find how to make my videos/mp3 play directly, and I always got this camera icon instead of my movie, I edited the icon to make it look as a little grey bar (the one you can see now)
I tried to upgrade the extensions flowplayer3 and flowplayer3_playlist, but it doesn't work too...
If you got another idea don't hesitate ;-) and thanks to you both
Michel, merci de ta remarque... Effectivement les photos et vidéos ne s'ouvrent pas directement quand je clique sur les vignettes, je suis obligé de cliquer sur "lire le document". J'ai bien essayé de cocher/décocher "image de démarrage" dans l'extension flowplayer3_playlist mais rien n'y fait...
En fait, j'avais repéré ce problème y'a quelques jours : j'avais une image nommée "video_placeholder.gif" qui s'affichait en lieu et place de mes mp3/vidéos, alors j'ai modifié l'image pour qu'elle ressemble à une barre grise horizontale (celle que tu vois actuellement). J'ai également essayé de mettre à jour flowplayer3 et flowplayer3_playlist, mais ça ne change rien...
Du coup je me suis satisafit de ma barre horizontale à défaut de mieux...
Si tu as une autre idée, n'hésite pas ;-) et merci encore à tous les deux
But normal mp3s and movies (if it are supported movies formats which are basically .flv and .mp4) does work by clicking on the thumbnail and open on the image page.
Of course since you are using 3rd party theme that is heavily Javascript powered for the actual image display (the Gallerific script) that does not work. This would surely require some more work as the video player itself uses Javascript.