Slideshow Problems

Slideshow works intermittently for me. My logs are filled with...

{Sun, 29 Aug 2010 05:59:32 GMT} Zenphoto v1.3.1[5736]

Backtrace: Bad filename suffix in newImage()

newImage called

from printSlideShow (slideshow.php [289])

from include (slideshow.php [14])

from index.php [114]
Using slideshow as jQuery.


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Hm, I have seen that before on our own site but have no real idea currently.

    What theme are you using? Can you maybe reproduce what images this might be?
  • I have created a custom theme and the problem is intermitten. It will happen for a set of images and then try those same images a few minutes later and it works flawlessly.
  • Any other possible ideas about this?

    I just had to manually delete a log file 128MB large from 1 weeks of this....

  • You will have to determin what the slideshow is failing to show. E.g. what album, how was the slideshow called.

    What you are seeing is the slideshow is attempting to instantiate an image that does not exist. Perhaps there is also some PHP script errors in your CGI log? If so the details might help.

    One hint is that this code is in a path having to do with dynamic albums.
  • Regarding jQuery slideshow issue, I can add this:
    • if I select album slideshow coming from archive > search page, I obtain the same error.
      Log file:
      Backtrace: Bad filename suffix in newImage()
      newImage called
      from printSlideShow (slideshow.php [421])
      from include (slideshow.php [23])
      from index.php [123]
    • otherwise, if I select slideshow for the same album coming from album page, everything works fine
    Thank you for your attention.
  • Reading function 'printSlideShowLink()' in /zp-extensions/slideshow.php, I tried the following instructions (lines number 113-114 in plugin version 1.3.1 or lines number 128-129 in plugin version 1.4.0):
    if (in_context(ZP_SEARCH_LINKED)) {
    $albumnr = -getAlbumID();

    By changing '$albumnr = -getAlbumID()' in '$albumnr = getAlbumID()' (removed sign '-') everything works fine, although slideshow is called from archive > search page.

    Could be right? I'm not a programmer ...
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I am not able to reproduce this error actually. If reporting Slideshow issues you should always include the mode you are using. Each of the three works a little different.
  • That negative # flag is to indicate that the request came from a search page, so removing it will make it look like a standard album request.
  • Thank you Malte and Sthephen, I really appreciate your work and kind support.

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