My Ajax editing of the name of the photos, descriptions of them, is gone, till i updated my Zenphoto to the newest version.
You wrote: "Note particularly that the “Ajax†editing on the front end is disabled by default. It may be enabled from the gallery options tab. "
I can't find place whree i can activate it. Please, help me.
P.S. It's really bad, that you are disabling ajax in different places of zenphoto. Rating with ajax was perfect, and it was gone, now this descriptions... Zenphoto is the best because of the good interface, but wiothout ajax - it would not be so comfortable for using
Options -> General.
Rating should not be affected by disabeling front-end editing.
Regarding the disabling of the front end editing. You can enable it if you wish, but know that this is a potential big security hole. Which is why it is disabled by default.
So, guys, thank you very much for the answers.
Just to note, it is of course possible to make your own plugin if you are not satisfied with the provided one...;-)