What is the meaning of resizeing the images on-the-fly? Of course, it saves space on the server, but doesn't it also increase the time to view images?
I don't see space as a problem atm, so is there a way to resize images on upload?
Otherwise I love zenphoto. So clean design, does what a gallery should do!
Zenphoto does not do that for specific reasons: You can use the general options to define image sizes to display on the theme but on advanced themes you can even override that and do lots of fancy stuff by appling custom sizes for custom layouts. You would not be able to do that if you resize images at upload.
Since the uploaded images are not touched you can switch themes and images sizes without needing to upload images again.
Of course what sizes (dimension wise) you server can handle and how fast that is depends on your server's power. See the troubleshooting about these things.