Managed Albums : checkboxes never flagged


It's since 2 weeks that I have installed ZENPHOTO and I have one problem with the users authorisations.

For some user I flag some albums that they can see (in Managed Album part).
After I click on save.

After I check if the users have well the albums that I have selected (in expanding the part "Album Managed" but here is the problem --> the flags for the albums that I have selected are not displayed --> all the checkboxes of the albums are unchecked.

When I go in the databse tables I see that the albums that I have selected for the users before to save are correctly saved in the database.

Then I don't understand why the checkboxes are unchecked.

Do you have also this issue?

PS: I have installed the latest release (



  • I can reproduce this; seems to be a bug. I would either file a ticket or wait until one of the devs joins in the conversation.
  • I can reporduce this on the release but not on the development stream. I cannot figure out what the difference in code is. Please try tonight's nightly build.
  • I can still reproduce this on trunk; I'll try messing around with some options to see if I can't figure out what exactly is causing it.
  • Well, I have to admit that I don't know how to reproduce it. It always happens. :/
  • had a thought. Any Javascript errors? I still cannot reproduce it on the dev stream.
  • Ok, fails only when the admin is "view only" of the album. Fixed in tonight's build. The Zenphoto v1.3.1.2 release can be corrected by applying this changeset
  • Hi,

    Thank for your quick help.
    I will test it today and will inform you if it's working in my side.

    (I pass from Coppermine to ZENPHOTO and your application is definitly the best one)

    Thank you to have done this application.
  • Hi,

    It works correctly. Thank you.

    I have done a donation for your application and your quick support.

    PS: In the last bulk there is only zp-core --> I have installed it to my server but when I have started ZENPHOTO, it said "setup script was mising'
    Then I have installed the previous bulk and after the last one and after I have started ZENPHOT and now all is fine.

    Thank you,
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