Just have some questions, please.

1) Is there a way I can prevent the gallery linking to the full image on its own, for instance with the default theme if you click on an image, it links to another page with only the image displayed.

2) Is there a plan to implement some code to prevent people saving images off your site, I know they can print screen anyway but on Jalabum for instance if you right click on image the context menu treats it link a link rather then an image. This atleast filters the less intellectually rigerious thieves. (75% by my reckoning) Sorry but I've just seen so many people slap watermarked low res images on their facebook profile picture when they would have otherwise bought the image.

3) Whats the best workflow for uploading images? From what I can tell you just upload the image onto the FTP and Zen takes care of the rest? This is a bit slow isnt it, especially if the images are 2 mb jpegs each. 100 * 2 = 200mb upload!!! Eats way too much webspace and requires a lot of server side processing to apply filters and down res them, correct? How about client side software to watermark and down size?

Thanks for your time


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    1. You will have to change the theme. Please read:

    2. It is not possible to do that Zenphoto wise as the images technically have already been download to the browser cache when viewing them. However you can protect directory by using htacccess and the proper file/folder permissions. Please read on the troubleshooting for example: http://www.zenphoto.org/2009/03/troubleshooting-zenphoto/#39

    3. Zenphoto does not touch the full images to upload as that way you can change images sizes on your theme or when switching themes (as themes can override options for image sizes for layout reasons) without having to upload new images all the time.
    Also Zenphoto does resize these full images for display and caches them so it is only done once.

    It is quite pointless to uplaod 2mb images (rewiew also http://www.zenphoto.org/2009/03/troubleshooting-zenphoto/#11) to a website unless you need to provide printable fine data. There are a lots of much more convenient offline tools for resizing images to a reasonable size before uploading that do work at lot faster than any server side tool could.
  • fretzl Administrator, Developer
    1) You might also want to check out the possibilities under
    Admin -> Options -> Image -> Full image protection
  • Thanks, also :

    1) How can I incorporate my own background across my entire zen gallery? I want to make it as consistant to my html main pages as possible.

    2) Can I have a border around each image?

    3) Can I have meta tags for every page?

    Thank you!
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    1/2: Zenphoto themes use standard webtechniques like HTML and CSS. You can do anything you want but will have to either make your own theme or modify existing ones. Again, review the theming tutorial. If you don't know these webtechniques you will have to learn a little.

    3) There is a plugin for that (but note those html meta tags are mostly not used by search engines anymore)
  • Ok, got it. Couple more things :

    1) How can I customise the cookie trail? For instance, the albums index link seems to link back to my html pages. I would prefer this to link to index.php, not index.php if you see what I mean.

    2) I want to have the search box on every page, even image.php. Just a case of dropping the code into the right place?

    Thanks a lot!
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    1) You mean the breadcrumb..;-) That generates automatically from the structure of your gallery. So album > subalbum etc. The index link normally points to the index of your theme.
    Some themes might use the homelink that might be external but since you didn't tell what theme...

    2) Yes, exactly.
  • Thanks, yeah, haha bread crumb trail thats what I meant. Cookie trail sounds more...umm..tasty though?

    Anyway I've been working with the default theme but I have managed to code in the search and a contact link on each of my pages. Can't say I'm used to PHP and its rules but I've learnt enough to get this done.

    My last question for the time being would be the contact form. When I try and send mail the server returns an error page:

    Server reported an error: 220-epic.0sites.net ESMTP Exim 4.69 #1 Wed, 08 Sep 2010 15:45:57 -0600

    PHPMailer failed to send df (Photography). ErrorInfo:Language string failed to load: recipients_failedXXXX@googlemail.com, adas@asd.com
    zenphoto_sendmail failed to send df (Photography) to one or more recipients

    I have set up PHP mailer plugin with my pop3 and STMP out going server and port. I'm sure everything is correct server side as sending mail with coppermine worked fine?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I admint I actually did not try PHPmailer myself as on my host the normal sendmai plugin works fine...

    From the error it seems one address is wrong somehow. Hopefully sbillard who coded it will have an idea.
  • check your email addresses. One or more is not being accepted by the mailers as valid.
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