Hello, I am on zp 1.3.1 and zp-galleriffic theme.
As you know, in zp-galleriffic, there are thumbnails, medium size images (500 pix) displayed in front of the thumbnails, and the full size images come into a lightbox.
I can get the thumbnails displayed but hardly the 500 pixels images. It's loading during hours and the screen remains empty, while the loading symbol keep spinning.
Then I tried to pre-cache the albums. Some of the photos show up, but still, some don't. Why? I verified inside the cache folder, it's strange, some pictures have 2 thumbnails and 2 larger sizes, others have no large size, as if they hadn't been cached at all. Then I disabled Imagick just to see, and the pre-cache is done automatically during the upload. The gallery is fast again. But I really want to use Imagick, the colors are a lot better on the medium resized photos. When Imagick is ON, in order to get the photos displayed after loading new ones, I have to refresh my browser for each photo, then to wait a bit and it comes. But it's not an option. Is there a way to fix this issue? Thank you!
http://www.zenphoto.org/2009/03/troubleshooting-zenphoto/#11 (this also mainly counts for Imagick which just differently to GDlib does not use memory from the server directly).
If Imagick is that slow on your server in comparison with the GDlibary you maybe should contact your host.