direckte bild url | pic url

Ich möchte gern das ich direckt auf das bild verlinke
in moment wird das noch so gemacht...,,http://xxx.de/zp-core/i.php?a=communitys/jappy&i=82d50b5bc7.gif&w=800&h=728"

ich möchte das aber so: http://xxx.de/communitys/jappy/82d50b5bc7.gif

kann mir wer helfen?
I wonder what I direckt on the photo link back
in the moment is still so made ...,, http://xxx.de/zp-core/i.php?a=communitys% 2Fjappy 82d50b5bc7.gif & i = & w = 800 & h = 728 "

I want to but this: http://xxx.de/communitys/jappy/82d50b5bc7.gif

Who can help me?


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Since you read the rules you of course know this forum is English only.

    Anyway. What you get is the resized image. Since it may not be cached yet the i.php is necessary as that processes the actual resizing. It will return the cached image if it has been cached already (see the cache folder yourself).

    To get a link like the second you have to link directly to the full image in your albums folder. There are functions available to get this link. Please visit the documentation.
  • Hello,
    I am a little confused. I have to installations of Zenphoto. [5816] (Official Build) and [5831] (Official Build). Using zpFocus13 theme. I have cache the full image / protected view enabled on both. One site ( will cache the full image sometimes and not others. This is the image info when the picture is displayed. Location: http://www.original-vintage-ads.com/zp-core/i.php?a=bulova-watches&i=bulova-watches-19.jpg&s=600&cw=&ch=&q=100
    Size: 0 KB (0 bytes)
    Dimensions: 0px × 0px (scaled to 600px × 450px).

    Another image uploaded the same time period has this info:
    Location: http://www.original-vintage-ads.com/cache/bulova-watches/bulova-watches-18_600.jpg
    Size: 203.33 KB (208,211 bytes)
    Dimensions: 600px × 450px.

    I always pre-cache the images for each album.
    Some of the images have been indexed by Google.

    On the other site:, I follow the same procedures, but it does not cache the full size or thumbs at all.
    I even purged the image cache. Then cached again.

    No images have been indexed.

    I want the search engines to index my images, but I'm guessing without the images being cached they are invisible to the search engines. I have allowed my albums and uploaded folders in the robots.txt file.

    I hope what I've said makes sense. Any suggestions? Thank-you.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    At first (as always) the current release is, just freshly released.

    Normally sized images are only cached if the image is smaller than the size requested by your theme. The full image is prior 1.4 not cached at all. With 1.4+ it is cached, especially if set to watermark (not sure when this was changed, sbillard will know it more exactly).

    Generally precaching is not necessary as it is done on the fly.

    If there are no images cached it might be a permissions issue. Any errors in the server error log?
  • I would like to upgrade. But the theme I am using (which I like) is not compatible yet, so I am trying to work with the older versions of Zenphoto.
    No errors in the log. Permissions are set to 0755. Except for the .htaccess file is 0644.
  • I would like to upgrade. But the theme I am using (which I like) is not compatible yet, so I am trying to work with the older versions of Zenphoto.
    Sorry, then, not much we can do to help you besides point you at the customary troubleshooting guide. There are lots of items there with respect to images not rendering.
  • I will read the troubleshooting guide, but my images are rendering. Just not being cached always, just sometimes. I know you are very busy and my issue is minor. I appreciate all the time you invest in this project and the time you spend answering unimportant questions like mine. Keep up the good work!
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Well, you got some info what it could be. You probably understand that between 1.3.x and 1.4.x are quite some differences. If this is an issue with 1.3.x your best chance is to upgrade.

    Besides image caching is theme independent. You could just install separately and test if that works for you as expected.
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