Edit image metadata in the admin

Hello - When I edit an image in the admin and click on "Show more fields", I see that there is a metadata field. It currently reads "None selected for display". How do I get it to show actual fields? I have tried turning on the html_meta_data and xmpMetadata plugins but no luck.


  • Hmm... I do not see my original post, so I am sorry if this is a double post.

    Anyway, when editing an image in the admin, what does the metadata field do (under Show More Fields)? Mine says None selected for display. I have the html_meta_data and xmpMetadata plugins turned on, but no luck?
  • As is stated when creating a topic/post, first posts of users are moderated to help prevent spam.

    That field does not allow for editing metadata, I think. It only shows existing metadata for images.
  • Options/image EXIF display
  • Of course I read the disclaimer on double posting -after- I posted the followup... so sorry for the spam!

    I think that answers my question. It looks like my images just didn't have any exif data attached to show.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    And to foresee the next question..:-): Zenphoto is not able to add metadata to images itself. You have to do that before uploading.
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