Add custom classes to Custom Menu plugin


anyone know an alternative way to add some classes to the UL and LI elements of the Custom Menu plugin?

I can't find more documentation of this plugin (only I've found


  • The Zenphoto Functions Documentation is located under the User Guide on this site.

    The function `printCustomMenu()` allows you to specify certain ids/classes for certain parts of the menu.
  • How? Every time I try to implement a string, menu disappears. Surely I'm not doing well...
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Maybe you should explain a little more what you actually want to do and what you did so far.
    I also recommend strongly to read the "how to read the functions guide" article.

    The menu allows you to set the id for the toplevel `
      ` and it's child `
    • `. Additionally you can set the class for the sublevel `
        ` and `
      • ` as well.
        The menu comes with predefined classes for the menu item type you can use for styling as well. I suggest to take a look at the generated source code.
  • I've solved my menu with imagination and CSS (i'm a better designer than programmer) and my last question, not very important, is: can "active" sections have link also?

    You can view my menu running here:
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Only if you make a custom menu function of your own. It does not make much sense to me to link to the page you are actually on.
  • I know, but for aesthetic...
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I don't understand, looks fine for me "marked as selected"... Good for usability btw.
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