Zenpage archive display options

I've searched the functions and the extensions, but I guess there is not yet an option to display an archive of newsarticles by list? I was thinking of a page with in descending order the date and titles of the articles with links to the single news article. No content, not by month or year, but just all of the titles on one page. Or perhaps with a page navigation when there are more than hundred links on one page. When Zenpage is used as a blog and someone has over a hundred articles, it would be usefull to have a summary like that.


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Just a list of all? You can easily create that using `getArticles()` and the object model.
  • I'm afraid I have no idea how to do that. Also, I searched for getArticles() in the ZP-files, but that functions doesn't seem to exist?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Well, that's because it's called `getNewsArticles()` actually... (Seaching the documentation is easier btw). That function returns the titlelinks (=names) of each article. You then would have to use the object model to get the title etc. There is a short tutorial about that on the user guide.
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