error after upgrade to latest version

I upgraded a while back but just reloaded my machine. I have one pc that I guess the admin u/p is stored and I can still get in but on hte newly reloaded PC, I type the U/P in and get this...

Fatal error: Call to undefined function getadministrators() in /((mydomain))/ on line 122

Can someone please help?



  • filter-login is an older, unsupported plugin. Perhaps it does no longer work. Anyway, there is now a security-logger plugin that userps its function. Locate the `filter-login.php` file and delete it. It may be in the root `plugins` folder or it may be in the `zp-core/zp-extensions` folder (in which case you did not follow the directions to remove the old files before uploading the new ones:( )
  • Thanks! That fixed it and I haven't seemed to have any other problems at all with my site. Will I be able to pick up with the next major upgrade and remove the old files and continue on like I am supposed to? I didn't really understand what all I was supposed to do for the upgrade so I just downloaded it and ran with it.
  • Well, lots of people are confused by that. But the error you had is just the reason for the instructions.

    Still, we are adding to the setup function for the 1.3.2 release to warn you about files which do not belong in the installation. Perhaps that will work better than asking for your to remove the old install.
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