problem with title link of news ?


when I create a news item, the title link is equal to the title.
when I change the title and I tick "EditTitleLink", title link is changed with the date of the article.

Is this normal?
I thought the title was modified with the new title of the news.

fyi : i'm with zenphoto 1.3.0


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    The titlelink is generated from the title on the page/article creation. Afterwards is it set to "permatitlelink" (checkbox). If you don't check the "edit titlelink" one and save the titlelink stays the same no matter how you change the title.

    Anyway, you should upgrade...:-)
  • vincent3569 Member, Translator
    i try to do an upgrade, but i can't for now.

    of course i've checked both "Edit TitleLink" and "Enable permaTitlelink "

    but the same problem is the same with 1.2.9 and 1.3.0 : when I change the title, title link is changed with the date of the article.

    maybe you could have a look on 1.3.1...
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    It works fine for me in the current release and the svn version.
  • vincent3569 Member, Translator
    i've installes zenphoto
    i still have the same problem

    you can see a modifies news here

    the title is "essai"
    and the non modified title-link is 2010-09-28-22-16-08
  • Can you try to be more specific with describing what you are doing?

    When I work with this, checking the `Edit TitleLink` box simply enables the input field for the titleLink. It does not cause anything to be changed therein.

    So if that is all you did (and the link was empty) you would naturally get a titlelink generated for you.

    It is only for a new article that the titleLink is filled in for you (since there was not a field there in the add frame).
  • vincent3569 Member, Translator
    so, i try to explain

    I write a news called 'essai2' and the Edit TitleLink box is enabled.
    I save the news

    => the title of the news is 'essai2' and the TitleLink too.

    I want to modify the title of the news :
    I change the title with 'essai numero 2'
    the Edit TitleLink box is still enabled and I enabled Edit TitleLink box too (but the TitleLink is not editable).

    I save the news

    => the title of the news is 'essai numero 2' and the TitleLink is modified with '2010-09-28-23-19-38'.

    you can see the result here :
  • vincent3569 Member, Translator
    i found a problem with Edit TitleLink box and IE :
    if you check the box, the titlelink is still not editable
    if you check the link "Edit TitleLink", titlelink become editable !!

    all it's OK with FF.
    it was a important part of my problem
    So if that is all you did (and the link was empty) you would naturally get a titlelink generated for you.

    It is only for a new article that the titleLink is filled in for you (since there was not a field there in the add frame).

    maybe, if the titlelink is empty, ZP would fill in as the first time, with the new title of the news ?
  • What version of IE? I did my testing with IE8 which worked just fine. Maybe you have a problem with Javascript--that is needed to work to enable the field.

    We would not expect the titlelink to be empty once the article is saved. But we can add that it try the title first.
  • vincent3569 Member, Translator
    of course the title link must be filled.
    my suggestion: In a modification, if the user empties the title, at the backup, zenpage tilelink values with the new title, as the first backup.

    fyi, i am with IE8 too
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