rss link in the header

vincent3569 Member, Translator

can you explain what is the need to use the function printRSSHeaderLink() in the header ?

if I use the plugin zenpage and I use 2 RSS links in the footer, should I have the the 2 functions printRSSHeaderLink() and printZenpageRSSHeaderLink() in the header ?
or just a single link is necessary, and if so, what link should I use?


  • Can you explain why the #$@&* you could not just even look at the note below the posting box?

    We really do not need six copies of this post!
  • The posts weren't even moderated... he has 130 posts... must not have realized he made so many. :/

    Edit: deleted the extras
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Sometimes when our site is a little slow for whatever reasons it is easy to double post. I did this myself...

    The headerlinks are for the rss icon next to the browser's address bar. Most browser only display one you can directly click, some even let you choose if there are more.
  • vincent3569 Member, Translator
    sorry for the multiple sending
    I made several attempts to send my message, and every time I got an error from the forum.
    before posting again, I checked that my message had not appeared on the forum ...

    @acrylian : thanks for you answer
  • At least some of your posts were withheld by our spam filter which requires monitoring of new user's initial posts. These will not show on the forum until a moderator has had a chance to vet them.
  • vincent3569 Member, Translator
    hello guys

    on zenpage and effervescence+ themes, I suggest you change

    `<? Php printZenpageRSSHeaderLink ("News ",""," Zenpage news "," ");?>`
    `<? php printZenpageRSSHeaderLink ("News", "Zenpage news", "", "");?>`
    both on news.php and pages.php

    currently, the rss link title is empty:

    `title="" />`
  • I think the parameters in that function are in the wrong order. They do not match the getZenpageRSSHeaderLink() set, which they should. Since the themes seem to match up with the order of the get function, I will just change the print parameter list to be consistent.
  • vincent3569 Member, Translator
    indeed, the parameters of getZenpageRSSHeaderLink() and printZenpageRSSHeaderLink() are not in the same order.
    Your change will also solve the problem.
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