No email notification on comments


Well.. the title says it all. I enabled the notifications under Options - Comment.

I'm hosted on Dreamhost.

Please help!!!!

* Zenphoto version [5816] (Official Build)
* Current gallery theme: Default
* PHP version: 5.2.14
* Graphics support: PHP GD library bundled (2.0.34 compatible)
* PHP memory limit: 96M (Note: Your server might allocate less!)
* MySQL version: 5.1.39
* Database name: xxxxxx
* Table prefix: zp_
* Spam filter: none
* CAPTCHA generator: zenphoto


  • Probably you server is not supporting sendmail. Or the e-mail address assigned to zenphoto is not being allowed.
  • I tried this:

    // compose message
    $message = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.";
    $message .= " Nam iaculis pede ac quam. Etiam placerat suscipit nulla.";
    $message .= " Maecenas id mauris eget tortor facilisis egestas.";
    $message .= " Praesent ac augue sed enim aliquam auctor. Ut dignissim ultricies est.";
    $message .= " Pellentesque convallis tempor tortor. Nullam nec purus.";

    // make sure each line doesn't exceed 70 characters
    $message = wordwrap($message, 70);

    // send email
    mail('', 'Nonsensical Latin', $message);

    It works..
    I tried with a different site admin email (the one @mydomain) it does not work either...

    Any other ideas on how to check both of theses?

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    You have enabled one of our two mail plugins and configured it properly as well?
  • Yes I enabled zenphoto_sendmail v1.3.1. However I don't see it under Option -> Plugins.. should it be there? If not, how do I configure it properly?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    The sendmail plugin does not have any options actually (my fault but I can't remember everything).

    Your admin account needs a vaild email address.
  • It has a valid email address. I tried both my hotmail address and my own host provided address

    Isn't there a log somewhere I can check?
  • Duh -

    I put my email address under my Master user account and it started working.

    I thought that the place to put my email was under Options -> General -> Site Email.

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    The doc on on site email clearly says:
    This email address will be used as the From address for all mails sent by Zenphoto.

    So the admin email is needed to actually get emails.
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