Zenpage insert image only in detail view

fretzl Administrator, Developer
When I try to insert an image in a page or article using the insert image button, it only works when I View in Details
When I view the Thumbnails I can select them but not insert them.
Just wondering ;-)


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    What are you referring to? Using the normal image button in TinyMCE with the file manager or the tinyZenpage plugin to insert images from the gallery?
  • fretzl Administrator, Developer
    I mean the TinyMCE image button with the filemanager.
    I realize I can also use the tinyZenpge button but I was just curious
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    The file manager itself normally does not access the gallery images at all. It may have a bug as it is third party and beta since forever...
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