Here's a speedhump I'm trying to work through.
I'm updating the zenFBSuite plugins to use the zp_register_filter setup, which is coming along, but I'm curious how to accomplish something.
The filter is being called in theme_head to add meta tags, at this point an image objects used later in the image.php haven't been generated yet, even though the call to the plug-in is after the image in the structure of image.php.
Is there a way to reference the image object used in the image.php without having to create a separate image object for it's use solely in the theme_head portion?
I hope that question makes sense. Basically I'm attempting to reference a thumbnail image with the plugins which are called after the image itself is displayed, however the metatags have been added in the header via theme_head filter application.
Sure you are using the filter correctly?Did you set `$_zp_current_image` to global in the function attached to the filter?