album called werbung

hey everybody,

i have a kinda strange problem here. everything works fine except that i have an album called Werbung (the directory on the server is called also werbung) and i can upload images to this album but they don't show up at all - neither at the admin side nor on the album page itself. the same images uploaded to any other album are behaving like they should.
anybody has any idea!? - i'm guessing that it may be related to some ad-removing stuff (werbung means ad in german)??


  • How are you uploading the images? Can you see the images in the album folder from an FTP client?

    If not, you might need to chmod the directory as it might have some permission restrictions from allowing writing to it.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Probably that album is not published. There is for sure no "ad-removing stuff" for any language...;-)
  • If it is add removing stuff, it will be from your server, not Zenphoto, as we have no such code. micheall has the right approach.
  • thx for your answers! - haven't had the time to replay sooner, but now it works as it should... i can't reproduce the problem, either - seems a bit strange to me, but none the less, now its working :)
  • Good to hear it's working!
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