I saw that the english translation of my site (zp 1.3.0) wasn't working at all. When I checked in zp-cofig.php I saw that some dude changed it with his data two days ago. My only guess is that he picked me up from showcase and tried to acces my setup.php. Fortunately for him I've forgot to delete it. I conclude that because at first glance I don't see other harm done. What I would like to know is that if the setup page has been opened was my previous configuration displayed for him ? I'm worried about my password. Btw how was he able to override the htacces rules?
P.S. There's a bot that keeps visiting one of my albums. First time it visited my site it left over 60 spam comms. I enabled CAPTCHA but it still keeps visiting the album (currently 6251 visits while the other albums have at most 100 visits). How can I block track the IP and block it ?
Setup actually requires your password/username data to change anything. Did he change the database data? In any case you should of course now change your password immediatly to be on the secure side.
What Zenphoto version do you use?
P.S. Databases seem intact. I'll be digging deeper to find anything broken.