Thumbnails not showing

I got Zenphoto installed just fine. The only problem is, my thumbnails aren't showing. I am 99% sure I have everything set correctly. I have done the following:

- cache and albums are both set to 777

- .htaccess file:
RewriteBase /photos

- GD is installed and enabled

I noticed it created a Thumbs.db file in my albums folder, but no thumbnails are showing. My photo gallery is at /var/www/html/photos (My server root is /var/www/html, so my .htaccess should be fine).

What am I doing wrong?


  • By the way, my test album is at
  • Heh, that's strange but I've got the same exact problem with my localhost install. Unfortunately I didn't work it out either, could it be something that isn't installed you your server proper?
  • trisweb Administrator
    Well the thumbs.db isn't a zenphoto file, that's from microsoft. Won't hurt anything though. Take a look at the /cache folder and let me know if anything's in there.

    It seems like the image script is just closing the connection prematurely... I'll have to take a look at it later.
  • The cache folder is empty.

    I noticed it's looking for the thumbnail photos in /photos/test/image/thumb (e.g. /photos/test/image/thumb/Flowers005.JPG). There is no image folder in my /photos/albums/test folder. The test folder only contains the photos. Is it supposed to automatically create the image and thumb folders?
  • trisweb Administrator
    No - all images are output from a script. Apache mod_rewrite changes `/photos/test/image/thumb/Flowers005.JPG` into `/photos/zen/i.php?a=test&i=Flowers005.JPG&s=thumb`

    Everything is done on the fly and all image data goes through i.php. It caches processed images in the cache folder and just passes them through if they're there.

    Since the cache folder is empty, it means the images aren't being processed for some reason.

    Try turning off mod_rewrite in the config file and see if you get thumbs. I don't think that'll do it though... I tried going directly to i.php on your server already with no luck.

    Try uploading very small images. That's a bug we've been seeing.
  • I had my webserver down for a bit, so that's why you weren't able to access it.

    It's back up and I tried uploading a small jpeg. The thumbnail showed for the smaller picture, but not the larger ones. What is the max resolution you have found to work with uploaded pics?

    Or, is there a setting I can change to allow larger pictures?
  • trisweb Administrator
    I still have no idea what causes this bug, and I'm looking for the reason. It's no setting, but I might send you something to try to debug it. It's designed to (and usually does) work with any size image.

    It is beta, so this is the kind of thing we're looking for...
  • I am new to ZenPhoto, but I was also having trouble getting some of my thumbnails to show up. It seems that special characters like "&" and the apostrophe will keep the thumbnails from being created. Once you remove those from the image titles, the thumbnails will appear. I hope this helps on your quest to squash the bug. I was a QA Analyst, so I know how frustrating bugs can be.



    Fatal error: Call to undefined function: imagecreatefromjpeg() in /home/vaguelyaware/public_html/gallery/zen/functions.php on line 35

    hope it helps.
  • im such a tard, last time i rebuilt my server, (a nail-biting experience) i forgot to reload gdlib. it works, and man is it slick. nice work.
  • Similar issue... thumbnails only show if mod_rewrite is set to false. Does anyone have this problem? What is the solution? Otherwise, great script. If I cannot get the thumbs to show with nice urls, I'll keep mod_rewrite off, but I think it would be nice to have nice urls.

  • My website doesn't even show the thumbnails with mod_rewrite off. The only thumbnails that are created are on smaller size images. You can view it at

    Any help is appreciated.
  • Nevermind.

    I disabled mod_rewrite and everything works great.

    This is a great piece of software.

    Can't wait for 1.0!
  • The problem we've been having is PHP running out of memory while processing the images. 8M is the default, which isn't a lot when running manipulations on a 3 meg jpeg. I increased my Media Temple account's memory to 150M, and now have thumbs for all my photos. Put the following two lines into .htaccess

    php_value memory_limit 150M
    php_value post_max_size 150M
  • Hi,

    I recently had this problem too. Seems that the newer version of PHP has made some changes to the image create function.

    What you need to do is open zen/i.php

    --Go to Line 88-
    Before line:
    imagejpeg($newim, $newfile, $image_quality);

    --Add line--

    Save and re-upload. This should work!
  • snkhan's solution worked! Thank you!
  • You're welcome :-)
  • I have this problem. See -

    above solutions have not worked
  • your problem is realted to htaccess!
    check the absolute path and also check wether Rewritemod is turned on!.you should be alright after that :)
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