zpgallerific gallery page

I'm using this theme with ZP, without ZenPage.

The first page is therefore a gallery page, showing the sub-albums. I have a short piece of introductory text, but following that there is a large space before the sub-albums are shown, which doesn't look good. I son't see this on other examples of zpgallerific.

By looking via Firebug I see there is a div = subcol and subcolContent which occupies this space with a height of 480px. I don't see any ref to this in the screen.css. Any clues how to remove/reduce this?


  • I had been staring at this all evening - I post the question, and then immediately find the answer - turning html on in "Gallery Description" under admin, I find precisely these settings, and can reduce the height.

    How and Why it's set to that figure is another question...
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