delete from news - please check svn

from zenpage news class

42 function remove() {
43 if ($success = parent::remove()) {
44 $success = query("DELETE FROM " . prefix('obj_to_tag') . "WHERE `type`='news' AND `objectid`=" . $this->getID());
45 $success = $success && query("DELETE FROM ".prefix('news2cat')." WHERE news_id = ".$this->getID()); // delete the category association
46 }
47 return $success;
48 }

but where is delete from news?
$success = $success && query("DELETE FROM ".prefix('news')." WHERE id = ".$this->getID()); // remove the article


  • ok i found (classes)
  • The wonders of the object model! The decendent classes have only to implement their class specific actions and allow the parent class to do the more general stuff.
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