I want to add a link at the top of an individual album page that will go to a page where it displays all the images in that album in their "image" bigger size and descriptions, one right after eachother.
(so that if people don't want to click next through the photos they can just scroll down and see them all at once).
On my custom "all album images" page I can't figure out what function, etc to call to put me in the "album class" so I can loop over the images in that album.
Any help?
$albumpages = 0;
$albumclass = new Album();
That should get you an array with all of the images in the album. Then you could do a foreach to loop through displaying them. I don't really know for sure because I'm extremely new to php and even newer when it comes to OO programming. I'm sure trisweb can give you a much more usable solution than this though...
That should return an array