Albums on another server


Due my server will run out of space soon I want to know if it is possible, to have some albums in the Gallery, which photos are on another server.

For Example:
Album 1 (photos on Server 1)
Album 2 (photos on Server 1)
Album 3 (photos on Server 2)

But all the albums are in one Gallery (I know by my own, that I can install the Gallery on the other server =) )

Thanks for helping!
Best wishes,


  • Thanks for your answer!

    It's really a pity that Zenphoto is not supporting that feature!

    Best wishes,
  • Hm. Is it maybe possible like that:

    I install on both servers the Gallery. Server 1 and Server 2.
    Server 1 is my "main-server" and reachable with And there I have lot of albums but some albums are just LINKS to the albums on Server 2.
    Is it possible like that? And if yes how? :D

    Thank you for helping!
    best wishes,
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    It might be possible using symlinks or so but we neither have tried that and as the post above says it might be slow to access external servers. But feel free to try it and tell here how it worked.
  • First: sorry for opening second topic!

    I just thought the problem with slow access to external servers would be solved if it is not accessing on the other server but just refered.

    But as you probably already guessed my knowlege in that stuff is not very good =)

    Thanks for you help!

    best wishes,
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    A referring access is also an access. Zenphoto access the image uploaded to create the cached sized versions. As said I have not tried this at all but I have a far memory that someone might have tried this before using symlinks. Don't remember details sadly. Maybe try a forum search on that or just try it yourself and help others with your report.
  • Are these your servers? Then the simplest solution is to add more storage. You can then place all your images on the new disk and use the external album method to point to them. (See the zp-config.php file)
  • Yes they are all my servers.
    But they are from different Hosts. Server 1 is paid and Server 2 is for free!

    How this external album method is working?

    Best wishes,
  • External albums will not work unless the server has some kind of direct access to the folders. This means you must at least be able to map the drive as a network drive. All documentation is in the zp-config.php file.
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