Zenpage saved only english title, context.. but not other

Zenphoto version [6104] (SVN)
Windows 7 64
I tested this version and I have a problem with saving in other languages. Multi-lingual is checked.


  • Can you select other languages and see the translations on normal zenphoto items? I know I have a problem with my local Wamp installation that translations do not work. (Don't know why at present.)
  • Yes I Can select other languages. Problem is with fields from page and news.
    -add new page,
    -saved title, context (english, polish),
    -after saved and load field for polish language is empty.
    Tested for other language - the same problem.
  • Ok, I can reporduce this on my system for the "textarea" language strings like description. Seems to work for the "text" ones like title.
  • I have found the issue and will make an update to the development stream shortly.
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