StopDesign Theme and image size

Hy everyone,

I use zenphoto 1.0.3 beta with the template stopdesign.

I do not arrive at redimensionner the photograph in the image.php page. By defect it it size is to 400. I tested modified size in /zen/zp-config.php:

// Default image display width (themes will be able to control this
// to an extent in the future, but for now you may have to adjust it to fit your theme).
$conf['image_size'] = 640;

// If this is set to true, then the longest side of the image will be $image_size.
// Otherwise, the *width* of the image will be $image_size.
$conf['image_use_longest_side'] = false;

But Ca does not go. Can you help me.

Thank you
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