No thumbnails, only full-sized picture

Hello all!

I've gotten ZenPhoto up at but when I upload pictures, no thumbnails are displayed. All links work and I can even get the full-sized picture in the end, but no thumbnails. Mod_rewrite is disabled (and is set to false in my setup.php), i've erased the .htaccess file as it was causing a 500 internal server error to appear whenever I tried to access the gallery. GD Library is installed.

If you try to view the image of a thumbnail, a totally blank page is displayed with no error message.

Any help would be appreciated.



  • I'm having the exact same problem. My gallery is here: The larger images are displaying, but no thumbs anywhere. My webpath is: define('WEBPATH', '/zenphoto'); and my serverpath is:
    define('SERVERPATH', 'D:\Inetpub\\www\content\zenphoto');
    Help would be good!
  • Well, I'm not getting either the thumbnails or the full sized images. THe links don't seem to go to the "albums" folder, but expect to go to the "albumname" folder directly, hence errors all over.
  • Just to announce that I've successfully set up zenphoto. The problems were connected to a shared (rather than non-shared) GD library in my server's compilation of PHP. I sorted it out having switched my hosting to Dreamhost and following the instructions on the forum post about installing zenphoto on Dreamhost.
  • I have the same problem. Can't upload images from the web interface and if I upload them via FTP only the full size image works. Can anyone see what's wrong with my settings?

    My phpinfo file is here


    // Database Information (the most important part!)

    $conf['mysql_user'] = "---";
    $conf['mysql_pass'] = "---";
    $conf['mysql_host'] = "---"; // Won't need to change this 90% of the time.
    $conf['mysql_database'] = "---";

    // If you're sharing the database with other tables, use a prefix to be safe.
    $conf['mysql_prefix'] = "---";

    // General Gallery Configuration

    // What you want to call your photo gallery.
    $conf['gallery_title'] = "Bilder";

    // Your web site title and address, if you have one. If not, leave blank.
    // These are used to link back to your main site, but your theme must support it.
    $conf['website_title'] = "Evelinas Pyssel";
    $conf['website_url'] = "";

    // If you're in a different time zone from your server, set the offset in hours:
    $conf['time_offset'] = 0;

    // If you have Apache mod_rewrite, put true here, and you'll get nice cruft-free URLs.
    // MAKE SURE TO EDIT THE .htaccess FILE with your path information.
    $conf['mod_rewrite'] = false;

    // Admin interface username (also required for running setup).
    $conf['adminuser'] = "---";
    // This isn't that secure, so don't put anything here you don't want anyone to see...
    // (but make sure you change it to something other than 1234...)
    $conf['adminpass'] = "---";

    // The email for the admin user. Used to send notification emails.
    $conf['admin_email'] = "---";

    // If you're running a secure server, change this to 'https' (Most people will leave this alone)
    $conf['server_protocol'] = "http";

    // The character encoding to use internally. Leave at UTF-8 if you're unsure.
    $conf['charset'] = 'UTF-8';

    // Image Processing Configuration

    // JPEG Compression quality for all images and thumbnails (respectively):
    $conf['image_quality'] = 85;
    $conf['thumb_quality'] = 75;

    // Default image display width (themes will be able to control this
    // to an extent in the future, but for now you may have to adjust it to fit your theme).
    $conf['image_size'] = 425;

    // If this is set to true, then the longest side of the image will be $image_size.
    // Otherwise, the *width* of the image will be $image_size.
    $conf['image_use_longest_side'] = true;

    // Allow images to be scaled up to the requested size? This could result in loss
    // of quality, so it's off by default.
    $conf['image_allow_upscale'] = false;

    // Default thumbnail size and scale:
    // If $thumb_crop is set to true, then the thumbnail will be a centered portion of the image
    // with the given width and height after being resized to $thumb_size (by shortest side).
    // Otherwise, it will be the full image resized to $thumb_size (by shortest side).
    // NOTE: thumb_crop_width and height should always be less than or equal to thumb_size
    $conf['thumb_size'] = 100;
    $conf['thumb_crop'] = true;
    $conf['thumb_crop_width'] = 85;
    $conf['thumb_crop_height'] = 85;

    // Paging options:
    // Control of their display is done in the theme, so you might need to change these
    // after switching themes to make it look better.
    $conf['albums_per_page'] = 5;
    $conf['images_per_page'] = 15;

    // Comment cleaning configuration

    // Tags and attributes allowed in comments
    // Follow the array form array('tag' => array('attribute' => array()))
    $conf['allowed_tags'] = array (
    'a' => array ('href' => array (), 'title' => array ()),
    'abbr' => array ('title' => array ()),
    'acronym' => array ('title' => array ()),
    'b' => array (),
    'blockquote' => array ('cite' => array ()),
    'code' => array (),
    'em' => array (),
    'i' => array (),
    'strike' => array (),
    'strong' => array (),
    'ul' => array (),
    'ol' => array (),
    'li' => array (),

    // Path Overrides
    // Uncomment the following two lines ONLY IF YOU'RE HAVING PROBLEMS,
    // like "file not found" or "not readable" errors.
    // These allow you to override Zenphoto's detection of the correct paths
    // on your server, which might work better on some setups.

    // define('WEBPATH', '/zenphoto');
    // define('SERVERPATH', '/full/server/path/to/zenphoto');
  • I noticed that I can't change the permissions for the sub dirs to cache. Thet are automaticly set to 755 and I can't change it. The permissions for the cache dir is 777. What's wrong?
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