static_html_cache problem - strange text on the bottom of the pages

Hi I check and I've got this problem on 1.3 version and of zenphoto. It appears sometimes on different themes also on default. On album pages or image or any different on the bottom of the page I see information :'
`<!-- zenphoto version 1.3 [5479] (Official Build) THEME: default (image.php) { memory: 48M } PLUGINS: class-video comment_form contact_form dynamic-locale filter-zenphoto_seo google_maps hitcounter image_album_statistics jcarousel_thumb_nav menu_manager paged_thumbs_nav print_album_menu seo_locale sitemap-extended static_html_cache zenpage zenphoto_news zenphoto_sendmail FILTERS: admin_overview_left [5: zenphoto_ne'...........`
sometimes it's shorter. Why it is displayed ? When I disable static html cache plugin message disappeared.


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