Hi I got a message during installation (upgrade - before login) Fatal error: Call to undefined function filesystemToInternal() in C:\wa\www\z7\zp-core\setup.php on line 1066.
This is, of course, a development build so maybe there is an issue with it. Please try again with the newer build to see if the problem still exists. If so, please describe to the best details what how you did the install so that we may try to reproduce the problem.
I looked through the code and I see a lot of changes.
When fisish 1.3.2 version?
Another question.
How implemented this?
|--- user1 [read,write]
|--- user2 [read(only view)]
|--- user....
|--- user1 [read,write,delete]
|--- user2 [no permission]
|--- user....