printPagedThumbsNav images in place of text links

When adding in the printPagedThumbsNav function, is there a way I can get the links to be images in place of the text links? I tried to get it to work by adding the code

if(function_exists("printPagedThumbsNav")) {
printPagedThumbsNav(8, FALSE, "<img src=\"" . $_zp_themeroot . "/images/previous-thumbs.png\" alt=\"" . gettext('« prev thumbs') . "\" />" , "\", 100, 100);
} ?>
But the images are not being displayed.... did I miss something, make an error in the code or can it not be done?




  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    That parameter allows only text. If you want to use images you can style the links via CSS using background images and hiding the text using "image replacement techniques" (for example `text-indent: -4000px`). Look at the code generated.
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