How to get a URL to the first search result?

In a regular album, I can use getFirstImageURL() and getLastImageURL() to point to the beginning and the end of an album. I am using this to "go back to the beginning" if I have clicked through all of the images in an album.

However, these don't work within the search context. Is there a different method of getting links to the first and last search results?

Thanks for the help!


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Those two functions are for albums. Search is naturally not one. You will have to setup a link manually. You will have to do this via the object model. Look at the search class documentation.
  • Hello all,
    I am new here,Today I have seeing a new thread of Zen photo.So I want creat URl,but How to get a URL to the first search result?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I am not sure if you really want an answer... What search result, first page or first hit?
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