TinyMCE not in theme options

Hi everyone!

I hope I post in the correct category.

I'm adding features at a theme and those need a textarea in the theme options.
The plugin TinyMCE is activated but doesn't appear in those textearas. Why is it so?
I have also written text with for example a link the HTML code for it disappears at the submission. Is it normal?

I hope my explanations where clear.


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    The category does not really matter we never really look at that because we mostly read via RSS (we don't merge the forums because it is not really conveniently possible with bbpress).

    You will have to modify the config files or even better create a custom one to include those textareas, it is not setup to be attached to all.
  • Thank you for your answer acrylian.

    I looked over the entire website, and perhaps I didn't search well; but I didn't find anything about a personalized configuration file for a custom textareas in a theme.

    Could you give me a link or an explanation to do so.

    Thanks in advance.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Well, there is no real documentation about this. Look in `zp-core/zp-extensions/tiny_mce/config`. There you will find the provided configuration examples you can select on the TinyMCE plugin options. You can create your own custom ones like those and place them there.
  • Thank you for your quick answer.
    I'm really sorry so dum questions, but how can I add a class to the textarea in the theme options?

    To do so, I need to hack Zenphoto administration isn't it? Or do I understand wrong?
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